Munro Privacy Policy



What information is collected:

Munro & Company, Inc. (Munro Shoes) only collects personal information that is specifically and knowingly provided by you. When you place your order we ask for your name, billing and shipping addresses, phone number, email address, and any personal preferences you choose to provide. We maintain all transaction information such as style, color, size, price, quantity, discount, return, and date of purchase.

As well as the information that you provide, whenever you interact with our website we automatically collect certain information such as your IP address, the type of computer you use, the web browser you use, and the web page that links you to our site. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer when you connect to the internet. Each time you visit our site, our web server may automatically recognize and collect this information.

We also use “Cookies”. This is a small text file that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Among other things, cookies allow us to see where you go on our site and recognize you when you return. By knowing where you go and what you look at on our site we can present information related to your interests. Some of the ways we may use cookies include enabling your log-in, identifying your shopping carts, tracking where you travel on our websites and what you look at and purchase, and for Munro marketing purposes and product recommendations.

How this information is used and how is it disclosed:

We will not sell (or trade or rent) personally identifiable information to other companies as part of our regular course of business.

We may use the information you provide about yourself to respond to your inquiries about our products, offerings, and services; and to offer you other products, programs, or services we think you will find valuable. We will sometimes use the non-personally identifiable information that we collect to improve the design and content of our site. We may also use this information in the aggregate to analyze site usage.

As do most catalog and Internet retailers, we sometimes use others to perform specific functions on our behalf. When we disclose information to these service providers, we disclose information to help them perform their service. For example, in order to deliver products to you, we must share some information. We partner with third parties (such as the U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, and Federal Express) to ship products, to ensure delivery, and so that we can obtain feedback, improve the quality of our service, and measure and improve the quality of the service of the third party. In the example of shippers, we provide them with some personally identifiable information such as your name, shipping address, email, and phone number.

We may disclose such information in response to requests from law enforcement officials conducting investigations; subpoenas; a court order; or if we are otherwise required to disclose such information by law. We also will release personal information where disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements, or to protect ourselves or others. For example, we may share information to reduce the risk of fraud or if someone uses or attempts to use the Site for illegal reasons or to commit fraud.


Upon your request, we will (a) correct or update your personal information; (b) stop sending emails to your email address; and/or (c) disable your site access to prevent any further purchases through that account. You can make these requests by emailing your request to customer service or by calling 1-800-819-1901.

Please do not email your credit card number or other sensitive information.

Offline collection, use & disclosure of information

As you might expect from us, the majority of information that we collect is obtained through the Site, and this Privacy Policy applies only to that online collection of personal information. We also may collect information offline, where we also try to protect the privacy of your personal information. One example involves someone calling us to place an order or to ask questions. When someone calls, we will ask only for the personal information we need in order to place the order or to answer the question. When we need to store information (such as order information), we will enter it into our database through SSL encryption (See the Data Security section below for more information). Another example involves faxes. If you fax something to us, we will act upon the fax and then either store it in a locked repository or we will shred the fax if there is no need to retain the information. There are other ways we could learn of personal information offline (for example, we suppose someone could send us a letter including some return address information), and this Policy doesn’t discuss or try to predict all of those methods or uses. As we mentioned, we will try to treat offline collection, uses, and disclosures consistently with our relevant online practices.

Data Security

The Site incorporates physical, electronic, and administrative procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information, including Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) for all financial transactions through the Site. We use SSL encryption to protect your personal information online, and we also take several steps to protect your personal information in our facilities. Access to your personal information is restricted. Only employees who need access to your personal information to perform a specific job are granted access to your personal information. While we use industry-standard precautions to safeguard your personal information, we cannot guarantee complete security. 100% complete security does not presently exist anywhere online or offline.

California residents

In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1798.83, Munro & Company, Inc. (Munro Shoes) customers who are residents of California may submit a once-a-year request for information concerning our disclosures of their personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. In order to do so, please send a written request, including your name and address to:

Munro & Company, Inc.

Attn: Retail Marketing

Box 1157

Hot Springs, AR 71902

Please include “Request for California Privacy” in the letter's subject line. We reserve the right to not respond to requests sent more than once a calendar year. Our disclosures are limited to the information covered by the law.


By using any of our Sites you signify that you agree to both the terms of this Privacy Policy and our stated Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and/or our Terms and Conditions, please exit our Sites and refrain from providing your personal information to us.

Updates to this Policy

If we change or update this Privacy Policy, we will post changes and updates on the Site so that you will always be aware of what information we collect, use, and disclose. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy from time to time so you will know if the Privacy Policy has been changed or updated. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us at 1-800-819-1901 or email customer service.